Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A right sense and estimate

In Charity and Its Fruits, Jonathan Edwards discusses humility in the seventh lecture. Humility, the author contends, is fundamentally and foundationally concerned with a proper perspective of ourselves in light of God. Consider,

He that has a right sense and estimate of himself in comparison with God, will be likely to have his eyes open to see himself aright in all respects. Seeing truly how he stands with respect to the first and highest of all beings, will tend greatly to help him to a just apprehension of the place he stands in among creatures. And he that does not rightly know the first and greatest of beings, who is the fountain and source of all other beings, cannot truly know anything aright; but so far as he has come to a knowledge of the former, so far is he prepared for and led unto the knowledge of other things, and so of himself as related to others, and as standing among them.

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