Monday, April 6, 2015


In chapter five of Keller's work Prayer he speaks on the comfort found in intercession. He uses an example from his past to articulate his point.
A teacher of mine, Edmund P. Clowney, once told me that he went to one of his own teachers, John Murray, to discuss a private matter. Murray offered to prayer for him, and when he did, the power of the prayer was stunning. Murray's address combined intimate familiarity with a sense of God's absolute majesty. The presence of God was instantly palpable. It was clear that Murray knew both the nearness of God as well as his transcendence.
Murray was being Ed's "mediator," though only in a secondary sense. He was bringing him into God's presence and speaking for him.
Ed said to me, "I was so helped by this godly man's intercession before God for me. Then I realized - if I find this comforting how much more comforted should I be by the knowledge of Christ's intercession for me?"
Murray led Keller's friend Edmund before God in prayer. He brought them both before the throne and addressed God as father and Lord. This is the work of Christ. He does this for us. Without him we would have no business approaching God. Jesus intercedes for us every day. His words on our behalf are far more powerful and comforting that anything that even a great man such as John Murray could muster. Let us all find comfort and courage in this!

1 comment:

  1. I found this intriguing as well. I think we all have that sense that if we could only get some famous, godly man or woman to pray for us (Piper, MacArthur, Graham, etc) then we would really see God move. But truly, with Christ as our mediator we are already at the very pinnacle of godliness. This IS comforting and encouraging.
