Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christian's Culture Conundrum

"Culturally relevant Christian" seems to a much desired title in the churches of today. Carl Trueman is a contributor at Reformation 21 where he has written an excellent article on Christians and culture. Here is an excerpt:

Alternatively, I could try to move out of my own little world, start thinking less in cultural and more in biblical terms. I could become less obsessed with particularities and more concerned with universals. I could engage less with the accidents of culture and more with the substance of nature. I might even spend less time training people who don't know the Apostles' Creed to watch movies that would have made grandma blush and more time teaching them the basic elements of scripture and doctrine. Horribly modernist, I know; in fact, boringly passé. But it might, just might, prove more relevant in the long run than being able to understand the sacramental significance of Sharon Stone or playing `Spot the Redeemer Figure' in the latest Jim Carrey movie.

Read the whole article here.

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