Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Heaven Taken by Storm by Thomas Watson - Part 8 and 9

Part 8 – Offering Violence to Heaven

I. Offering violence to heaven – “Therefore in Scripture our earnestness for heaven is shown by those allegories and metaphors which imply violence.” “The promises [of Scripture] are made to encourage faith, not cherish sloth.”

a. How do we offer violence to heaven?

i. Striving – to enter the straight gate

ii. Wrestling - the body of sin and the powers of hell

iii. Running – the race set before us

iv. Fighting – the good fight of faith

b. Why must there be violence to heaven?

i. God’s command to be diligent

ii. God’s decree joining the means to the end

iii. It is difficult work

iv. Violent assaults against us

1. our own hearts oppose us

2. the powers of hell oppose us

v. it is a matter of utmost importance

c. We should consider:

i. What we shall save – our precious soul

ii. What we shall gain – a kingdom

d. We offer violence in:

i. The business of prayer

ii. The hearing of the Word

iii. The recognizing of the dangers of moderation

Part 9 – Arrows of Reproof and Apostasy

I. Arrows of Reproof

1. To the slothful Christian

2. To the formalist (vestures, gestures, forms)

i. They keep up appearances

ii. They bury their consciences with forms

3. To those who are violent wrongly

i. By opposing good

1. offering violence to God’s Spirit

2. offering violence to their consciences

3. offering violence to God’s image

ii. By pursuing evil

1. violent in their opinions

2. violent in their passions

3. violent for their lusts

a. their drunken lusts

b. their unclean lusts

c. their oppressive lusts

d. their covetous lusts

4. To those who have grown lukewarm

i. They are lethargical

ii. They are consumptive

1. Signs of spiritual consumption

a. Their desires of Christ and heaven have weakened

b. They lose vigour in motion

2. Consider:

a. Less violence equals less peace

b. You give great advantage to Satan

c. You will be damaged

d. Your corruptions will be enlivened

II. Apostasy

    • Why do men throw down violence?
      • They never had a principle of spiritual life
      • They never did duties with delight
      • Through unbelief
      • They love something else more than religion
      • Out of cowardice
      • Through lack of patience
      • Out of just judgment of God

1. To those who put off violence till old age

2. to those who deride offering violence to heaven

3. to those who keep heaven off by force

i. the ignorant

ii. the profane


  1. dude, that is what happens when you copy from WORD and paste in Blogger. And I don't even now what html stands for.
