Thursday, May 28, 2009

Heaven Taken by Storm by Thomas Watson - Part 13

Part 13 - Hindrances, Directions, and Conclusions to Offering Violence

How to get this blessed violence.

I. Take heed of those things which will hinder this violence for Heaven

a. Take heed of unbelief

b. Take heed of puzzling your thoughts about election

c. Take heed of too much violence after the world

d. Take heed of indulging any lust

e. Take heed of despondency of spirit

f. Take heed of consulting with flesh and blood

g. Take heed of listening to the voice of such carnal friends as would call you away from this blessed violence

h. Take heed of setting up your abode in the lowest pitch of grace

II. Use those means which will promote this holy violence

a. Keep up daily prayer

b. Get under lively preaching

c. Get your hearts filled with love to religion

d. Be vigilant

e. Bind your heart to God by sacred vows

f. Be sure you make going to Heaven your business

g. Have Heaven continually in your eye

h. Accompany with such as are violent

i. Never leave till you have the Spirit

III. But some may say, we have used this violence for Heaven; what remains for us to do?

a. Keep alive this holy violence

b. Thou art in the way to the kingdom

IV. What of deadness of heart in duty

a. This deadness of heart may arise from natural causes

b. This indisposition of soul perhaps is only casual, and for a time; it may be in a deep fit of melancholy, or in desertion

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