Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Assurance of Salvation

From Sam Storms Signs of the Spirit:

"That some Christians fall into doubt regarding the state of their souls is not always a bad thing. Their failure to believe and trust in the certainty of their salvation is not a failure of faith on their part but a merciful gift from God. "For so hath God contrived and constituted things, in his dispensations towards his own people, that when their love decays, and the exercises of it fail, or become weak, fear should arise; for then they need it to restrain them from sin, and to excite 'em to care for the good of their souls, and so to stir them up watchfulness and diligence in religion. But God hath so ordered that when love rises, and is in vigorous exercise, then fear should vanish, and be driven away""

I'd never really considered the possibility that questioning your salvation in times of hardship is a gift from God. A gift that will ultimately lead us back to living a Christ centered life.

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