Saturday, August 29, 2009

Octavius on a role!

In the second chapter of The Glory of the Redeemer, the author, one Octavius Winslow, gets on a 'roll' speaking of Christ's work on the cross. It starts around page 55 and continues for awhile. These pages are full of quotations I had to save. Below are a few of them I really liked.

Redemption, by the obedience and death of the incarnate God, was so honoring to the Divine law, and satisfactory to Divine justice, was so harmonizing to the attributes, and so illustrative of every glorious perfection of the Divine nature, and in its results so suited to the highest ends of human happiness, that it was the interest of the Divine government without demur to accept it. (55)

In Jesus' sacrificial obedience and death, we see sin fully punished, and the sinner fully saved; we see the law perfectly honored, and the transgressor completely justified; we see justice entirely satisfied, and mercy glorified to its highest extent- we see death inflicted according to the extreme tenor of the curse, and so vindicating to the utmost the truth and holiness of God, and yet life- present and eternal life- given to all whom it is the purpose and grace of the Father to save. Tell us, is not Jesus the great glory of the Divine wisdom? (55)

Where was there ever such a demonstration of God's infinite hatred of sin, and His fixed and solemn determination to punish it, as is seen in the cross of Christ? (59)

At whose hands did He suffer? From demons, from men? They were but the agents; the moving cause was God Himself. (59)

Had He emptied the full vials of His wrath upon the world, sweeping it before the fury of His anger, and consigning it to woeful and eternal punishment, it would not have presented to the universe so vivid, so impressive, and so awful a demonstration of the nature and glory of His holiness, of His infinite abhorrence of sin, and the necessity why He should punish it, as He has presented in the humiliation, sufferings, and death of His beloved Son. (60)

1 comment:

  1. "we see death inflicted according to the extreme tenor of the curse, and so vindicating to the utmost the truth and holiness of God, and yet life- present and eternal life- given to all whom it is the purpose and grace of the Father to save."

    Powerful! I can't help but realize how extreme both sides of the coin are here. Such an extreme death...punishment. All of God's wrath exhausted on Christ. I don't think anyone can comprehend that, that God, the Creator of the universe, the most supreme Being, perfect and powerful, expended ALL of his wrath on Christ....that's a lot of wrath. The ultimate punishment, but yet the ultimate gift in ETERNAL life. This is the perfect example of how God's wrath and love to coexist so the quote Jude.
