Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Why blog?

From a brief rationale of why Tim Challies blogs:

The more I have thought about different topics, the more I’ve realized that there is theology everywhere. And this is what motivates me to write; it’s what motivates me to read and to think and to explore. Everywhere I turn I see theology, whether in a book about the atoning work of Jesus Christ or in a book about the future of business or in a biography of a man who lives half a world away. Sometimes the theology is lying on the surface, exposed and easy to see. Sometimes it is hidden within and just needs to be coaxed out. But always there is something to think about, something to wrestle with, something to help me think deeply about how Christians are to live in this world.

I think this is a pretty good explanation of why I started blogging. This is more than yet another narcissistic opportunity for me to express myself; at least I hope it is.

Read the rest of Challies' thoughts here.

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